After 4 months, I had to struggle and fight with my assignments,tests,quizzes and last but not least the greatest monster named "FINAL EXAMINATION" which haunted UITM Merbok. Finally,on 29.9.2011 I had officially finished my study for the first semester.It was really great to be at home after nearly become a ZOMBIE.
So,in this entry, I want to share a little bit about my experience since I took foundation in law in UITM MERBOK,KEDAH.
UITM has three branches campus for Foundation in Law program including in UITM PAHANG,UITM KEDAH AND UITM SHAH ALAM.Since Mei 2011(I am the first batch),UiTM had changed the semester from 3 to 2 semester started from my batch.In first semester you will be taking 7 subject which include:
1.LAW 012
Among the 7 subjects,for me this is the most difficult one.This is because,you have and need to memorize all the philosophy by the philosopher and you cannot miss even one single word,and what is really,really,really,really,really great about this subject is,you must read and memorize from "cover to cover".So,please beware,this is the killer subject for you if you do not take note and study this subject from the first time you attend the the lecture.
2.LAW 016
If you really like to read history book,I guess,there is no big deal for you to carry this subject.It is all about the history of Malaysia that you have learned since form 1 till form 5.Just want to remind you that,you should bring the SPM AND PMR HISTORY BOOK because it will be very useful for you when you want to do the revision.
3.LAW 038
Seriously,this subject is very interesting to learn.
4.BEL 260
This subject is all about english.It seems that you must learn back about your grammar and so on.Mostly it concerns about MUET papers.
5.BEL 313
a.k.a CRITICAL THINKING.Once you had entered this class,you have think outside the box and please be more critical in thinking until your brain wants to explode.No final paper for this subject.
6.CSC 134
You will learn more about computer.Don't ask me why I need to study and sit for this paper for the final exam.For your information,we are the first batch to learn this subject.
7.CTU 081
It is all about Islamic education..Simple,right?
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My Classmates |
After all,when I think back,taking the law course is not really a bad idea.I don't know why.But,maybe it is suitable for me because I would not have to calculate and learn about science anymore.All you need is a strong memory to memorize all the lesson.Seriously,if you do the revision from the beginning and continuously doing so ,you would not face any hardship because these subjects is not really hard.For me,there is no word for "Don't study hard,but study smart".But,it should be,"Don't study smart,but study hard".
Lastly,in new place,you will find new friends,new lifestyle and everything is new.So,beware and do not let the environment control you but let you to control the environment.
p/s:I am really grateful to ALLAH by giving me such a great roommates which always understand me in any situation ..LOVE YOU ASHIQIN AND BEKTON....
itu diaa..
ini dia lontaran bom tangan..~!
booomm kebaabowww...!!
munirah hebat!munira can co it ! go munirah, go munirah....gooooooo munirah!!
ko kene berterima kasih kat aku banyak-banyak..! haha!! sebab aku yang salu dengar ko menghafal, last2 aku yang terhafal~
nurul,thx nurul..i wil try my best
cikin:memang,yg x leh blah ko tutr hafal law 012 pun x u
wah cm bes je law nie...saya dpt kos nie untuk second intake di uitm merbok..agak2 susah ke law nie??
law ni x susah,kalo kita faham.yg penting,masa lecture jgn main2.dan lepas habih lecture buat revision...pasal assignment dan lain2 tu,mmg tension la...hehehe
akak sy dpt fndation law kt uitm merbok..
intake jun 2012...
erm...ssah x???
x susah kalo belaja betul2...:)
nak tnya sikit pasal MUET..?orng ckap nie mrupakan slah 1 drpd pnghalang dlm kos nie..btul ke??
ya,ya...betul sesangat.sbb kalo nak masuk degree law kena band ramai yg dpt band 3
sis, pemakaian baju ke kuliah bebas mcm bdak foundation in law UITM SHAH ALAM k?? or we need to wear baju kurung almost the time???kemeja putih & slack wajib ada k?? brpe pasang prlu ada??
yup,bebas..suka hati la nak pakai apa pun,asalkan x langgar,hari ahad n rabu kena pakai bj hitam putih..sama ada baju kurung hitam putih,atau t-shirt atao mcm lawyer yg profesional tuh,,seeloknya bj kurung hitam putih tu perlu ade 2 la..
assalam..nak tnya ckit kat uitm mrbok nie ader iron room x??n 1 lagi cmner lecturer law kat cni..garang2 ke?
wasalam..iron room x de.iron kat bilik sendiri je n iron tu kena bw sendiri..lecturer depeds la..x sume garang..
kalo nak tahu lebih lanjut kesekuruhan course ni boleh g sini ya
thanks sbb sudi jwab soalan sy yg sblum nie..ermm nak tnya..mcm course law utk sem 1 ni kan..pnting ke laptop??mksud sy memang mmerlukan sngat ke??
laptop mmg sgt penting.sbb kena buat byk assignments
saye pon dapat foundation law kat shah alam,, rase mcm best jer,,hehe,, my mom guru sejarah,, my dad pon pernah amik law dulu,, memory paling penting erk,,urm,, mmg bergune lar komen2 kat atas tu kak :) asasi law kat sume uitm same erk peraturan kelas die?pakaian lar saye mksudkan,,nk buat persiapan lar sbb nyer ni,, 2 jun da dftar,,
oo,adik dpt kat shah alam ek?akak dulu kat merbok.jd akak x taula peraturan pakaian kat,rasanya lebih kurang sama je kot
sis, nk tmya,
buku aper yg perlu sya bawak? bku teks sejrah f4 n f5?buku laen?
satu lagi, perlu ke bwa laptop terus masa daftar tu? @pn lpas raya je bru bawak? anyway thanks,, =)
@Anonymousjust bw buku spm sj je...n kamus untuk rujukan.yg lain t beli kat sana...pasal laptop tu,kalo rumah dekat x pela hantar lepas minggu,kalo rumah jauh,bw je hari,pastikan letak dlm almari yg berkunci.takut hilang...
sory lau soalan nie agak lucu ckit..nak tnya kat uitm merbok nie kan..disediakan x bantal ??ke kna bwak sndiri..'s ok.bantal mmg kena bw sendiri.mmg x dsediakan.
salam,akak Munirah,nk tnye skit..assignments kan brape kali sbulan eyk.?.akak ley share sket x cara study utk kos ny..??thanks ye kak..
nak tnya ckit..harga2 makanan kat uitm mrbok nie mahal x???bleh x bagi cntoh2 mkanan n harga dier..trima kasih.
@Anonymousmakanan dia standard jela.x la mahal sangat.kalo kat dewan masria,kalo setakat nasi n ayam just about kalo byk lauk,harga dia makin tinggila
@Anonymousassignments dlm sebulan x terkire banyaknya.tambah pulak dgn kuiz,test,,mmg x terkira.cara belajar?dlm kelas jgn tido,kalo x susahla nak faham n kos ni memerlukan byk untuk,nak tak nak kenala fahamkan n then hafal.:)
Hello akak , saya pon dapat kat Merbok nak tanya pasal peraturan baju tu . Tdi akak ada cakap asalkan tak langgar peraturan dia . Antara peraturannya ? Sorry :)
@Anonymous rujuk sini ya.
Tudung wajib ke untuk student UiTM Merbok?
salam, hi sis munirah. sy dapat law kt uitm merbok. budak rayuan. hehehe.. nk tny, kt uitm sane 1 bilik brape org ek? n toilet die dlm bilik ke? sorry for my silly question but i need to know about this.. hehe..
@Anonymousade yg dpt 1 bilik 2 org...n ade yg dpt 1 bilik 4 orang...n tandas bukan dalam bilik..
mun. aku baru perasan. nape tasya sorg2 kat blakang? pic tu? sobs.
salam akk, sye bru dpt untuk kos ni,
akk rasa saye ptot pergi? sbb sye dilema, emm, ikut hati mmg nak. tp takot sgt kalo tkleh nak cope dgn study sane.
@Anonymoussalam...adik minat x kos ni??tp,seelok2 nya buatlah solat istiharah dahulu..and akak nasihatkan grabla this chance...x sume yg dpt peluang nih...pasal dpt x cope study kat sana,itu adik kenalah berusaha dan belajar rajin2..InsyaAllah :)
akak. kalau amek asasi ni boleyh further study kat overseas tak? for degree?
akak...hmmm..saya act agaklaa berminat dgn law...but then sye takot xleh cope dengan study...lgi stu kengkawan sme cakap study law nih ssah...pda akak laa ekk btween law dgn science mane lgi ssah...sbb sye nih stud.sains tulen dan sye mmg x leh cope ngan science...pliss kak..tolong..
@Anonymousnot surelah
@Anonymouskalo minat baca oklah.jgn anggap susah,sbb x de apa yg sng kat dunia ni.kwn sy pun,dulu dua asasi sains kat um,but end up dia amik degree law kat uitm,ok je die.yg penting niat dan pedulikan apa org ckp,ok XD.moga membantu
Salam . Akak , sy lepasan SPM 2012 n sy student sains tulen . Result SPM biase2 je . 5A 4B je . Subject2 science mcm Bio, Chemistry , Addmaths smua sy just dpt B+ je . Tp sy dpt A+ utk Sejarah , English n Pendidikan Islam . Ramai yg suggest spya sy apply Law kt UiTM . So, sy nk mntak pendpt akak , antara Asasi Law KPTM di UiTM dgn Asasi Law UiTM , mne lagi bagos ? Mksud sy , mne lagi senang utk smbung degree in Law n mne satu yg perlu sy jadikan sbagai first choice ?
Satu lagi , sy ni tak laah mnat sgt Law . Sy lagi minat Medic . Tp, result sy mcm tak mengizinkan sy further study dlm Medic . Sbb tu sy terima pndpt family utk apply Law . Boleh tak akak bantu utk yakinkan diri sy yg Law ni best dan tak susah ? Sy hrap sgt akak dpt jwab soalan2 sy td . Thanks a lot , akak ! :)
sy nak tanye la.. kalau kita penah fail 1 paper masa sem 1, then kita fail paper yg same masa sem 2, then kita kne dismiss ke? means kita x "graduate" from asasi lg..walaupun paper2 untuk sem 2 lulus semua..? please jwb secepat mungkin..
assalamualikum kak ^_^ spm leaver here,, i'm planning to do foundation in law,eng saye pon kategori 'so-so' je , what will happen to me if i don't get band 4 for my muet? *jgn gelak kat soalan sye ni,i'm still searching for answers xD* hope u could reply me asap , thanks! :D
@Anonymouskalo sem 1 repeast,bw sem 2.kalo sem 2 repeat jg,extend 1sem..then,br boleh graduate from foundation
@acluelesskiddox dpt band 4,degree nanti x boleh sambung degree in law
Ohh mcm tu.nnti kena buat diploma la bile dh terkandas tgh jln? or bole amik nk buat degree course lain?
setahu saya repeat untuk asasi sekali je.. kalau fail kali ke 2 kena dismiss
assalam kak nak tanye...ape yang membuatkan kos law nih ssah eh? kne mhafal banyak sangat ke ?or kne paham mcm kte memahami konsep chemistry biology and physics ke? btw kak,,cane nak contact aka ea?sebab saya byk soalan nak tye nih? fb or email?
@acluelesskiddokalo terkandas,kena jg habiskan sem yg akan direpeat tuh,selepas tu br boleh masuk degree
@Anonymousaah,itu betul
@Anonymousbyk benda yg kena x la sesusah bio and etc tuh.asalkan minat,insyaAllah
Salam, kak, nk tnye siket, pasal penginapan kt sane, selame 2 sem tu mmg dijamin ade penginapan dlm uitm atau sem pertame je ade? ke camne?
@Syafiq Azlankalo asasi law,kedua2 sem akan dpt penginapan dlm uitm XD
salam kak. Fifi dapat asasi law at uitm..Fifi memang tak minat sangat dengan sejarah dan law, tapi Fifi boleh tahan lah jugak dalam menghafal ada can ke tak nak succeed dalam law ni kalau mcm tu? sejarah hari tu dapat A je..
Assalamualaikum kak Munirah. Saya ni memang minat Law dari kecil lagi sebab mak & ayah saya dua2 jadi Lawyer. Mak & ayah saya buka firm sendiri sejak 2004 (diorang partners) and tahun ni merupakan tahun yang ke-10 firm. Saya pun nak ikut la jejak parent saya. Tapi mak & ayah saya sendiri tak galakkan saya buat Law. Diorang kata Law ni susah and gaji pun tak la diuar-uarkan oleh orang lain yang kata gaji Lawyer tinggi. Selain itu, diorang ckp bila jadi Lawyer ni, orang banyak hutang ngan kita, and some of the clients don't even want to lend a penny, padahal my parent dah buat kerja untuk diorang. Ayah saya cakap ada segelintir client hutang dia sampai hampir RM100 ribu. Also, my parent ckp orang tak appreciate kerja Lawyer. My father said that one of his client ada cakap macam ni,, "Ala, kerja Lawyer apa yang susahnya, modal air liur je".
So Please, I need your opinions kak Munirah. Walaupun parent saya cakap macam ni, saya still teringin nak buat Law. Saya SPM 2013 seater, so, currently saya tengah apply UPU and I need guidance. Please reply back, your comments & opinions would mean a lot to me.
@batch96 wasalam dik.Memang tak dinafikan belajar law ni susah.of coz sebab banyak pembacaan dan penghafalan.tapi,jika kita berusaha,InsyaAllah.One more thing,if that is ur dream,carry on.Sebab kalau kita pilih course yg tak kena dgn jiwa kita,susah nanti nak catch up.And,disebabkan ur parents dah ada their own company,itu memudahkan adik untuk meneruskan legasi ur parents.Bawalah bincang dgn ur parents,and convince them,k :) and,kalo amik bidang law.tak semestinya adik kena end up jd lawyer,meybe u can jd legal advisor etc.that's just my advice n opinion.if you really wanna take law,carry on.Belajar law memang best :)
assalamualaikum kak. sy berminat nak ambik law. plus saya memang minat sejarah sgt2. alhamdulillah result spm saya baru baru ni sy dpt A+ sejarah. cuma yang sy rungsing tentang band 4 muet tu. rasa mcm kurang mampu. :(
tq akak sbb kongsi psal asasi law ni.. sye dpt tawaran ke asasi law di kuantan.. sye masih xtau utk pergi ke x sbb tkot xley kate ssah,bnyk assingment ler..BTW akak skang still blajo law lg ke?? tq..
salam. saya nak tanya, kalau ambil asasi law ni. boleh smbung ke degree bahasa melayu tak? degree pengajian bahasa contohnya
@Anonymousboleh je
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